
hx-requests has an asyncronous messaging framework, hx-messages. It’s very convenient for notifiying the user when the form is valid/ invalid.


hx_message framework is based on Django’s messages framework


To use hx-messages a few things need to be set…

  1. In set HX_REQUESTS_USE_HX_MESSAGES: bool that defines whether or not hx-messages should be used (default is False)

  2. In set HX_REQUESTS_HX_MESSAGES_TEMPLATE: path to a template to be used for the messages. The context in the template has access to messages.


<div id="hx_messages" hx-swap-oob='true'>
    <ul class="messages">
        {% for message in messages %}
            <li class="alert {{ message.tags }}">{{ message|safe }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
  1. An empty div (or any Html element) with the same id as the one in the messages template needs to be put in your base Html file. (hx-messages leverages Htmx’s hx-swap-oob)

<div id="hx_messages" hx-swap-oob='true'></div>
  1. In set HX_REQUESTS_USE_DJANGO_MESSAGE_TAGS : bool that defines whether or not hx_messages should use Django’s message tags. If set to True then there is no need to set HX_REQUESTS_HX_MESSAGE_TAGS (default is False)

  2. If HX_REQUESTS_USE_DJANGO_MESSAGE_TAGS is False, in set HX_REQUESTS_HX_MESSAGE_TAGS: dict just like Django’s message tags

from hx_requests.hx_messages import HXMessageTags

    HXMessageTags.DEBUG: "alert-info",
    HXMessageTags.INFO: "alert-info",
    HXMessageTags.SUCCESS: "alert-success",
    HXMessageTags.WARNING: "alert-warning",
    HXMessageTags.ERROR: "alert-danger",

Setting a Message

You can set a message anywhere within an HXRequest by doing the following:

def form_valid(self, **kwargs) -> str:

    # Set a message
    self.messages.success("Form was successfully saved!")

    return ...
  • Sucess is the level of the message and is used to retrive the tag from HX_REQUESTS_HX_MESSAGE_TAGS

  • can also set self.messages.error(), self.messages.warning(), and self.messages.debug()

Disabling Messages

If HX_REQUESTS_USE_HX_MESSAGES is set to True, there are some default messages set in some of the HXRequests. To disable messages on any HXRequest set show_messages to False

class MyHXRequest(BaseHXRequest):
    show_messages = False



Toasts are a good template to use for hx_messages. Because the messages are asyncronous and the page doesn’t reload, a user may not see a message banner that is set on the top of the page, but a toast that is fixed to the top right cornder of the page will always be visible.