Using Forms

Probably the most common thing to use HXRequests with is forms. HXRequests gives a simple way to post data and update the page asyncronously.

Using a FormHXRequest the form is fetched asyncronously using the GET_template, the form is saved and then it returns the POST_template

Basic Form


from django import forms

class UserInfoForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = User
        fields = ['email', 'first_name', 'last_name']



{% load hx_tags %}
<div id="user_info">
    {% include 'user_info.html' %}
<form method="post">
    <div hx-trigger='load'
        {% hx_get 'user_info_form' object=request.user %}>
    <button type="submit"
            {% hx_post 'user_info_form' object=request.user %}>


{{ }}
{{ user.first_name }}
{{ user.last_name }}
  • ‘user_info_form’ in the template tags is the name of the HXRequest that these requests will be routed to (see below)

  • object is equivalent to an instance in a Django form. In the get it’s used to set the initial of the fields. In the post it’s the object that is getting updated.

  • An include is used so that it can be reused below as the POST_template in the HXRequest.

  • The user in user_info.html comes from the context of the view.


includes are very helpful when using htmx, because it gives an easy way to load part of the html.


from hx_requests.hx_requests import FormHXRequest

class UserInfoHXRequest(FormHXRequest):
    name = "user_info_form"
    form_class = UserInfoForm
    GET_template = 'form.html' # Renders the form
    POST_template = 'user_info.html' # The 'include' in the HTML above
    hx_object_name = "user"

    def form_valid(self,**kwargs):
        # This is the default form_valid
        return self.get_response(**kwargs)

    def form_invalid(self, **kwargs) -> str:
        # This is the default form_invalid
        return self.get_response(**kwargs)
  • form_valid by default calls and returns the POST_template

  • form_invalid by default returns the GET_template. The purpose of this is to show the error messages. Because is_valid was called (is_valid is called in the post method), the form now contains the errors, which gives you asyncronous validation of the form.

  • The GET_template (form.html) has access to the form as ‘form’ in the context

  • hx_object_name is the name given to the object when it’s passed into the context. Above in user_info.html (the POST_template), on POST the user in that context is the object that was passed in to the hx_post template tag (although now it was updated by the form). If hx_object_name was not set, instead of referencing the object as ‘user’ in user_info.html, it would be referenced as hx_object (i.e. hx_object.username)

  • The object is saved as an attribute on the HXRequest as hx_object, so it can be referenced anywhere in the class as self.hx_object

Setting Form Kwargs

To add kwargs to the form, override get_form_kwargs.
To set initial values of form fields, override get_initial.
from hx_requests.hx_requests import FormHXRequest

class MyHXRequest(FormHXRequest):
    # Set attributes

    def get_form_kwargs(self,**kwargs):
        kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs(**kwargs)

        # Add the user to the form
        kwargs['user'] = self.request.user
        return kwargs

    def get_initial(**kwargs):
        initial = super().get_initial(**kwargs)

        # Set the initial value of 'created_by' field
        initial['created_by'] = self.request.user
        return initial

You can also set the initial from the kwargs by setting set_initial_from_kwargs to True. This setting allows the initial value to be automatically populated from the kwargs. As long as the key in the kwargs matches the name of a field in the form, it will be assigned as the initial value for that field.

from hx_requests.hx_requests import FormHXRequest

class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = ['field1', 'field2']

class MyHXRequest(FormHXRequest):
    set_initial_from_kwargs = True
<button {% hx_get 'my_hx_request' field1="Cool Initial Value" %}></button>
  • The initial value of field1 will be set to "Cool Initial Value"

Setting Messages


See Messages for more details and for config settings.

In a FormHXRequest success and error messages can be set by overriding get_success_message and get_error_message

class MyHXRequest(FormHXRequest):
    # Set attributes

    def get_success_message(self, **kwargs) -> str:
        # This is not the default
        return "Form saved sucessfully"

    def get_error_message(self, **kwargs) -> str:
        # This is not the default
        return "Did not save due to errors in the form"
  • Set add_form_errors_to_error_message to True to add the form errors to the error message automatically. But then do not override get_error_message.


Messages can be set in any HXRequest at any point like this:


Message types are: debug, info, succes s, warning and error.

Forms in Modals

See Form Modals